Privacy Policy

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At Param Apparels, we are committed to safeguard your privacy and ensure that all necessary security measures are firmly in place. Param Apparels respects your privacy and has instituted policies that ensure your personal information is being handled in a safe and responsible manner. In support of this, we only use the personal information that you provide to create a more personalized shopping experience for you, in accordance with the terms outlined below:


The Privacy Policy applies only to the information collected at Param Apparels. We are not responsible for the content or privacy practices on any websites linked to Param Apparels by visiting our website, you consent to the collection and use of the information.



A. General Information

During the client's visit to our website, Param Apparels gathers navigational information such as the user's domain type, browser version, service provider and IP address. This navigational information enables us to better understand the technical efficiencies of our website and services and the visitor's experiences and preferences.

With the information collected during the registration process, Param Apparels is able to provide personalized content and services. The account information supplied will be used for the processing of the requested commerce transactions or to contact you regarding specific transactions. We may also use this information in order to generate aggregate reports that help us determine how to improve our users' experience.


           B. Personal Information

Param Apparels may ask you to provide personal information when you sign-up or update your online account or e-newsletter. Information collected is for the purpose of providing a more efficient, meaningful and customized experience for the shopper.

All customer information is solely for marketing and business purposes; as well as to enhance your overall shopping experience. The data includes customer information we gather through processing your purchase orders and sales transactions on our website. We may also use your contact information to e-mail you newsletters to inform you of new products, special features and promotions at Param Apparels. You may choose to submit feedback, fill in a survey or browse our corporate information at Param Apparels Information may be requested and required for the submission, according to the nature of your submission.


          C. Email Addresses

Several locations on the site allow you to enter your email address for purposes including but not limited to; register to Param Apparels; register to receive updates such as e-mailer, e-newsletter, promotional activities, new product launches, printed look book or catalog. Provision of email addresses in the above-mentioned areas is voluntary.


         D. Use of Cookies and Other Technology

         Param Apparels also derives user information through the use of data-tracking software, which helps to record information

         Such as most visited places on the site and site usage patterns. We use cookies to deliver content specific to your interests.


About Cookies
Cookies are small pieces of information that are stored as text files by your Internet browser on your computer's hard drive. Most Internet browsers are initially set to accept cookies. You can set your browser to refuse cookies from websites or to remove cookies from your hard drive, but if you do, you will not be able to access or use portions of this site. We have to use cookies to enable you to select products, place them in an online shopping cart, and purchase those products. If you do this, we keep a record of your browsing activity and purchase. This site's cookies do not and cannot infiltrate a user's hard drive to gather a user's confidential information.

Param Apparels may use third-party companies to help us tailor and edit site content to users. These companies may employ cookies and other related technologies to measure effectiveness (such as which web pages are visited or what products are purchased and in what amount). Any information that these third parties collect via cookies and related technologies is not linked to any personal information collected by us.

Web beacons, also known as clear GIFs or single-pixel GIFs, are small image files that we may place on web pages and within web-based email newsletters that we send. Working in conjunction with cookies, web beacons allow us to accurately count the number of unique users who have visited a specific page and the number of times those pages are displayed. We can also use web beacons to let us know how many people opened a web-based email newsletter.

As in most websites, the site may capture log files as the server automatically recognizes the Internet URL from which you access this Site. We may also log your Internet protocol ("IP") address, Internet service provider, and date/time stamp for system administration, order verification, internal marketing, and system troubleshooting purposes. (An IP address may indicate the location of your computer on the Internet)


Children Privacy

              We respect children's privacy. Param Apparels will never knowingly request or use personal information from children under 13 years of age without prior parental consent. If we become aware that we have collected personally identifiable information from a user of the site who is under the age of 13, we will remove that child's personal information from our files. Elsewhere on this site, you have represented and warranted that you are either 18 years of age or using the Site with the supervision of a parent or guardian. If you are under the age of 13, please do not submit any personal information to us, and rely on a parent or guardian to assist you. 



           A. Information Integrity 

Param Apparels does not sell, rent or trade any personal information to third parties, except those contracted to assist in the maintenance and organization of customer information, which are used for order fulfillment and communications purposes. These third parties, however, do not have the authority to make use of your information for any other purpose.

By visiting the site, you consent to the collection and use of the information by Param Apparels. All information entered by you and transmitted to the site is processed by personnel who have endorsed indeed of undertaking to safeguard your information. Param Apparels will not disclose your user information to any external organization without prior consent from you.

However, Param Apparels may disclose user information to the government and/or third parties when we have reason to believe that disclosure of such information is necessary to identify or bring legal action against someone who may be violating our Terms & Conditions; or otherwise causing harm to us or anyone who could be victimized by such activities, and where otherwise required by law or by legal process. We will also release personal information where disclosure is necessary to protect our legal rights, enforce our Terms of Use or other agreements, or to protect ourselves or others. For example, we may share information to reduce the risk of fraud or if someone uses or attempts to use our Site for illegal reasons or to commit fraud. Any changes in the privacy policy will be updated on the Security Page, so as to keep users informed.

We do not authorize third parties to make use of your information as part of the regular course of business. However, it's possible that we might sell, acquire or merge with or be acquired by other subsidiaries, or business units. In such transactions, personally identifiable information generally is one of the transferred business assets. Also, in the unlikely event that assets of Param Apparels are sold, personal information may be one of the transferred assets. If that happens, your personal information may be disclosed to another company, but that disclosure will be subject to the Privacy Policy in effect.


           B. Internal use of Information 

The information collected may be used internally to help improve our site's content, layout, reach and marketing purposes. Param Apparels will use your contact details such as your email address, to provide information about the site as well as your order and delivery status. There are times when confirmation emails will be sent, to acknowledge the receipt of your account registration, inquiries and purchases. In an event of maintenance of the server, an email announcement will be sent.

Several locations of the site allow you to enter your email address for purposes including but not limited to; account setup; register to receive marketing materials such as e-mailer, e-newsletter, promotional activities, printed look book or catalog; to notify you of new product launches or availability of new product sizes.


          C. External use of Information 

           Param Apparels may engage other parties/companies to perform certain functions on its behalf.

To further protect your security, we suggest users to logout of their accounts and close the browser window after completing a transaction, especially if using a public computer.

Please note Param Apparels tries its utmost to provide security for its shoppers, by implementing various security measures. Nevertheless, any information transmitted is still at the user's own risk.


Only employees who need access to your personal information to perform a specific job are granted access to your personal information. Finally, we rely on third-party service providers for the physical security of some of our computer hardware. We believe that their security procedures are adequate. For example, when you visit our site, you access servers that are kept in a secure physical environment, behind a locked cage and an electronic firewall.


                                      The majority of information that we collect is obtained through our site at Param Apparels and the Privacy Policy applies only to that online collection of personal information. Nonetheless, we also collect information offline, where we also try to protect the privacy of your personal information. Some examples of the offline collection include but not limited to as follow --

                                       There are various ways where we could learn of your personal information offline, and this Policy does not discuss or predict all of the possible methods. As mentioned in our Information Integrity, we will try to treat all offline and online collection, uses, and disclosures consistently with our relevant online practices.


You may access and edit the information that you provide online by logging into Param Apparels. Simply click on the My Account/login link from the navigation at the top of the page and enter your email address and password to access your information. You can request password help at any time by clicking on the password assistance link, which will prompt the system to email a password to your email address. Currently, we do not provide online access to information that you provided to Param Apparels offline. But at any time you may request access to your information from our customer service representatives. Upon your request, we will: correct or update your personal information; stop sending emails to your email address; disable your account to prevent any future purchases through that account.

The above can be done by emailing your request to Param Apparels Customer Service department. Please do not send your credit card number or other sensitive information via email.


If we change or update this Privacy Policy, we will post changes and updates on this site so that you will always be aware of what information we collect, use and disclose. We encourage you to review this Privacy Policy from time to time so you will know if the Privacy Policy has been changed or updated.

If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy, the practices of this site, or your dealings with Param Apparels you can contact us at the following details.